About Me

Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada I am a Hand Embroidery Artist and Graphic Designer.

After studying International Relations at the University of Calgary I took off to Europe where (after several years of meandering around the world) I settled in London, England to study Graphic Design at the London College of Communication, a college of the University of the Arts London where I graduated with distinction (and a slight british twang).

Since that time I have been living and working in Calgary. I have accumulated a wealth of experience in design and production working with wonderful clients ranging from oil & gas professionals to retail and home based entrepreneurs. 

I have a special interest in corporate identity and branding, as well as in creating custom printed material from cards to calendars. 

I love what i do, but over the last few years I've found myself yearning to create something with my own hands, rather then on a computer screen.

I dabbled in crochet and sewing but wasn't finding my niche. It wasn't until I discovered hand embroidery at the beginning of 2016 that I felt I'dfinally found a medium that allowed me the freedom of expression I'd been searching for. 

In addition to my own pieces I'm also interested in new projects so drop me a line if you're looking for a custom piece!
